King’s Coronation Celebrations

King’s Coronation Celebrations

King’s Coronation Celebrations Old Luce Community Council celebrated HM King Charles III’s coronation in Glenluce Public Hall on Saturday 6 May. Old Luce parish residents viewed the coronation service on the large screen and were treated afterwards to a...
Village Square Update

Village Square Update

Village Square Update We didn’t manage to take out the final gong at the Scottish Civic Trust ‘My Place’ award presentation announcement recently in Glasgow, but it was an honour just to be shortlisted and represent our community through this regeneration...
Friends of the Glen Need Your Help

Friends of the Glen Need Your Help

Friends of the Glen Need Your Help Could you help Friends of the Glen create some of these for an outdoor classroom and meeting place? They need someone trained and insured to use chainsaws and cut pieces of fallen timber for benches like these in Kirkcowan for our...
Village Square Award Nomination

Village Square Award Nomination

Village Square Award Nomination We are very excited to announce that our Village Square in Glenluce has been shortlisted for a Scottish Civic Trust My Place Award. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our video for Stage 2 of the award application. We will find...
Dunragit Community Hub Consultation

Dunragit Community Hub Consultation

Dunragit Community Hub Consultation We are seeking funding for a Community Hub for Dunragit and need to show community support. If you are a Dunragit resident, please complete our survey to let us know your views. The consultation will now close on 30 April 2023....
Current Vacancies

Current Vacancies

Current Vacancies For more information on current vacancies, go to our Recruitment and Volunteering page..   © 2021 OLD LUCE DEVELOPMENT TRUST Registered Company SC538942 DTAS Member SE225 Registered Address: Public Hall, 22 Main St, Glenluce DG8 0PR Old Luce...