INVITATION TO TENDER: Grounds Maintenance
INVITATION TO TENDER: Grounds Maintenance Old Luce Development Trust are inviting individuals and organisations to tender for ground maintenance services across the Old Luce Community Council area, including the villages of Glenluce, Dunragit, Auchenmalg and...
Community Action Plan and Local Place Plan Consultation
Barbara Chalmers is working with Old Luce Development Trust till the end of March to gather views about what people here would like for their community: a 10 year vision. Barbara grew up nearby, overlooking the Freugh and she loves this area. She’s keen to hear all...
Community Action Plan and Local Place Plan Consultation
Old Luce Development Trust is leading engagement across the area to create a community-led plan: a 10 Year shared vision. This Plan is vital to shaping our future. Check for details of how to get involved, mid Feb till mid March. Have your say....
Brambles Update
We’re very excited that planning permission has now been granted to change Brambles into a rentable commercial/retail space on the ground floor and two self-contained holiday rental studios on the upper floor. The studios will be rented on a nightly rather than weekly...
Dunragit Community Hub Update
It’s all been very exciting over at Dunragit, with the new community hub cabin delivered to site, assembly completed and utilities connected. The flooring is down and all fixtures and fittings are in the process of being installed. Many thanks to our funders, to...
Industrial Estate – Unit to Let
Now leasing - industrial unit in Glenluce (rear unit, on the right in the photo)Enquiries to or 01581 300767. © 2021 OLD LUCE DEVELOPMENT TRUST Registered Company SC538942 DTAS Member SE225 Registered Address: Public Hall, 22 Main St, Glenluce...
Dunragit Community Hub Update
We are continuing to move forward on realizing a long-held dream for the Dunragit community of a brand-new Hub with a grand opening planned for late summer. An archaeology survey was undertaken by Guard Archaeology in March and the final report submitted to the...
Christmas Closures – Hall and Office
The Old Luce Development Trust office will be closed for the festive season from this Friday 22 December and will reopen Tuesday 9 January 2024. Regular activities at Glenluce Public Hall after this week will recommence from Monday 8 January 2024. If you have any...
Volunteering and Hall Use Survey
We are keen to hear from the Old Luce community as to what activities you would like to see at Glenluce Public Hall and what volunteering support you might be willing to provide. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and and will be of great assistance in...
Old Luce Photography Competition
Old Luce residents have been getting snap-happy in the lead up to Christmas, capturing their favourite images of the parish for a chance to win a prize in the Old Luce Development Trust photography competition. A gift-voucher prize across three separate age categories...
Registered Company SC538942
DTAS Member SE225
Registered Address: Public Hall, 22 Main St, Glenluce DG8 0PR
Old Luce Development Trust (OLDT) is a registered charity, SC049400, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
01581 300767