Volunteering and Hall Use Survey
We are keen to hear from the Old Luce community as to what activities you would like to see at Glenluce Public Hall and what volunteering support you might be willing to provide. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and and will be of great assistance in being aware of and up to date on what the local community wants and how they can also support local activities and events. You can complete the survey by scanning the QR code in this post with your mobile device, or complete online at https://forms.office.com/e/ByTz8vEd3D There is also a hard copy within our latest newsletter which you can complete and return via the secure post box on the front of the hall yourself. Or you can upcycle and pass this on to someone else in the area who may not have access to a computer or the internet but would like to have their say. The activities of the Trust rely on volunteers from the local community. Every minute, that you are able to give, whether several hours a week or half an hour a year is very welcome and appreciated. We look forward to receiving your responses.

Registered Company SC538942
DTAS Member SE225
Registered Address: Public Hall, 22 Main St, Glenluce DG8 0PR
Old Luce Development Trust (OLDT) is a registered charity, SC049400, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
01581 300767