Dunragit Community Hub Update
The Trust has identified a new potential site as part of a long-term aim to create a community hub in Dunragit. The plan is to install a temporary cabin on site as we work towards funding a more permanent Hub building, perhaps combined with a visitor centre highlighting the rich archaeological history of Dunragit. We would like to thank each and every one of you who completed the recent survey distributed by hand and online, which received some fantastic feedback for the project. The sense of community spirit within Dunragit was evident from your responses, as was a sense of isolation and loneliness for many residents. We sincerely hope that our funding bid to the Coastal Benefit Fund for the community hub is successful and we can create that meeting place to bring the community together. The number of you volunteering to help your community was staggering. This hub is definitely something the Dunragit community is very keen for and we’re looking forward to helping you bring it to life.

Registered Company SC538942
DTAS Member SE225
Registered Address: Public Hall, 22 Main St, Glenluce DG8 0PR
Old Luce Development Trust (OLDT) is a registered charity, SC049400, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
01581 300767